Your guidebook to all the crazy shit P&B came up with as the Cracky Jackys* that they are. Beneath each of the FAQS* you’ll find both the definition and listening guide for each term’s First Episode Reference And Listen-In opportunity, or FERAL for short. If you don’t see a word and want to phone a feral friend, submit your request in our form below!
*Please see definition below.
One’s closest of gay friends, often with exceptionally high levels of trust due to the insane amount of feral shit that they see their friends do and for their proven track record of sage advice, guy-dance / guidance, and genuine friendship. Judy is made in reference to the gay icon, Judy Garland.
FERAL: Season 1, Episode 2
A state of sobriety from alcohol and most drugs with the exception of marijuana, which is often used in place of other vices during said sobriety. During Episode 4, Pete incorrectly suggested this may also include the use of other “pharmaceuticals,” and while the conventional definition doesn’t… well, gurlie, you choose your own adventure. We support you as long as you’re safe!
FERAL: Season 1, Episode 4
The statistical quantification of the relationship between the size and/or shape of a person’s penis as might conform to conventional standards of an “ideal penis” (at least as P&B were raised to believe in their formative years) and the likelihood that the penetrative sex with that person and their penis meets or exceeds expectations. By the hosts’ experience, this statistic is either negative / inversely correlated (the closer to the true “ideal” definition the greater the likelihood the sex isn’t great) or shows no correlation at all (meaning it’s not the size or the shape of the tool, but rather the handyman’s work).
FERAL: Season 1, Episode 3
A party, usually of the gay variety, that are generally fun, full of cuties, and always have you chasing bone.
FERAL: Season 1, Episode 2
Term given to friends who are living their best life on extra-curricular pharmaceuticals of their choosing. While anything but sober, these friends offer up humor in their lack of coordination, inability to properly phonate, and their de-evolution to a mental performance state equal to wild primates.
FERAL: Season 1, Episode 3
A cuddle session of two but ideally three or more individuals.
FERAL: Season 1, Episode 2
The time of year when most individuals in the dating pool seek to lock down a partner, with whom then then nest with during said season. While not limited to this timeframe, this phrase does usually center around the colder winter months. For homosexuals specifically, the common trend is that cuffing season begins immediately after Halloween and lasts through St. Patrick’s Day. After this period of time, it’s a fucking feral free for all. Get your freak on, gurlies!
FERAL: Season 1, Episode 4
A dimly lit space at a party, bar, or event generally reserved for the exploration of promiscuous activities by any consenting attendee.
FERAL: Season 1, Episode 2
A deep state of sexual feralness generally catalyzed by extended sessions of sexual promiscuity / marathon sex, an excessive use of poppers, and/or the use of other “pharmaceuticals” that subsequently drive an elevated sense of both ecstasy and excessive horniness. This state is generally accompanied by the physical appearance of an uncontrolled exaggerated facial display, often including the flattening of one’s face, bulging eyes, and exposed tongue. Other side effects include excessive moaning and demands for continued application of the driving sensory experiences.
FERAL: Season 1, Episode 4
The gender neutral term often used by gay men to 1) demonstrate a sense of belonging, safety, and general community to their LGBTQIA+ connections, 2) to express excitement (high tonal pitch), 3) to express caution, as if raising both eyebrows but you can’t because you have too much Botox (low tonal pitch), or 4) to express “oh no she didn’t” in any form of its use.
FERAL: Season 1, Episode 3
The scientific law that matter is created or destroyed in any natural or chemical processes but rather transformed, which when applied to one’s feral nature simply means to suggest that if you’re going to try to do something good for yourself (e.g. New Year’s Resolution), maybe consider adding a new vice or feral exploration (e.g. sexual act, party / event) in order to provide complete balance to your life experiences.
FERAL: Season 1, Episode 4
"Monogamish" refers to a relationship structure where a couple primarily considers themselves monogamous, but with some agreed-upon flexibility to engage in sexual activity outside the primary partnership, while an "ethical slut" is a person who embraces their sexuality openly and honestly within a relationship dynamic that prioritizes communication and consent, essentially challenging the negative connotations associated with the term "slut" by practicing ethical non-monogamy; both terms suggest a move away from strict monogamy while still maintaining respect and openness within a relationship.
FERAL: Season 1, Episode 2
An experienced guide who is familiar with “journey” one is electing to take. In traditional definitions, a sherpa is often associated with mountain excursions (e.g. climbing Mt. Everest). In feral terms, a sherpa is a guide with a fair amount of experience to a pharmaceutical or drug activity, including understanding the optimal use practices, providing safe guidance and “how to” to ensure the safety, well-being, and confidence of the user seeking the journey at-hand. In most cases, a feral sherpa will be a close friend or trusted individual who then not only supports the person prior to the journey but then continues to provide support throughout the experience, often checking in with the new user to ensure the safe passage for their feral friend.
FERAL: Season 1, Episode 4
(Feral And Queer Sayings)
Need the D?
(Definition, that is)
Did we drop a word that didn’t quite click as you listened in to our podcast? Did someone on the dance floor mumble something and you just awkwardly giggled and said “Riiiiiight” to try to play it off like you actually heard him because you felt how big his D was on the dance floor? Bitch… we’ve been there. But now you have sisters to save you on the weekly! Drop us a line and we’ll drop you the D (the definition… unless you’re into that, then DM us… you’ve got our socials).
Peat & Bisq-it